Fix when there is no script engine for file extension JS to run JScript files

I was trying the other day to run a JScript file only to receive this awful system message, that “There is no script engine for file extension .js”! The problem was that I had associated JS files with my plain text editor (Notepad++) and now they would open in the editor instead of being executed!

Here is what you can do (no need to merge anything in the registry!) to make sure JS files would start working without problems performing tasks instead of just being edited in a notepad.

First, right click a JS file and go to > Open with, and select the option “Microsoft Windows Based Script Host”.

Then open the Command Prompt As Administrator and paste this command: regsvr32 %systemroot%\system32\jscript.dll. Press Enter.

Keeping the Command Prompt open, now paste this command: ASSOC .JS=JSFile and press Enter. Your JScript files should now work without problems!