Office Troubleshooter

If you miss some commands in Microsoft Word ribbon

Word toolbars cannot be customized that easily; you have to remove groups of commands, if you don’t need them, or create custom groups, in case that you find Word’s default configuration inconvenient.

Since default groups are well configured, try first to put them in an order of importance, placing at the left what you use most and moving what you use less to the right part of each ribbon.

When you use Word in a small window, some groups are not visible. If you enlarge Word’s window, new groups start to appear. You really want to place less useful groups at the right.

Favorite commands or macros can be associated with little icons in Word’s title bar for Quick Access, thus immediately acquiring also a keyboard shortcut (Alt + their number in the toolbar).

However, a most useful tool is Word’s Command Search (the “Tell me what you want to do…” search box at the right side, just before your user name), where you start typing the name of any command or function, and the program finds it for you, so that you won’t have to look for it in the numerous toolbar icons and menus, where it may not even be included!

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