If you are a power user and you need, even rarely, to edit the Windows Registry, you will appreciate RegCool a lot. The interface of the program resembles Microsoft Regedit, but it includes a bottom pane with tabs supporting extra features, regarding especially search and replace operations, comparisons, favorites, and snapshots (you can take a snapshot before installing a program, for example, to know any changes that might have been introduced to the registry).
RegAlyzer will help you browse and edit the registry, adding useful features missing from Microsoft Regedit. To manage your bookmarks press Ctrl+B or select Manage bookmarks from the Bookmarks menu.
Registry Finder provides the option to edit in place an entry that it finds, but you can also jump to the entry’s location in the Registry using the Windows Registry Editor, and of course delete an entry, copy, etc.
Advanced Regedit is a portable freeware that provides a search and replace function.
Regbak will let you create backups of the Windows registry. You can create backups of the Registry files to a location of your choice and restore these files whenever you need to. The default backup folder is ‘Regbak’ inside your ‘Windows’ folder, but you can set your own locations.
Wise Registry Cleaner cleans junk left by program installations, etc. It scans the Registry, flagging orphaned or bad Registry entries, and shows you the name and values for each. It identifies Registry entries that may be dangerous to delete, and those that are safe to delete, so you can distinguish between the two. It also lets you decide which entries to delete, and which to keep.
Registry Jumper allows an easier system registry navigation. With Registry Jumper you can open desired registry keys in Windows Regedit by a single click. It works in GUI mode and command-line mode (opens the registry key as supplied by a command-line parameter). Trailing and leading spaces, brackets, quotes, double slashes are trimmed, so registry paths like [‘HKLM\\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run’] are not a problem. All recently opened registry keys are saved.
Registry Backup will let you backup and restore your Windows Registry using Shadow Volume Services. It uses a graphical interface that allows you to quickly select the Registry sections that you would like to backup. Using the program, you can browse the backups and restore a particular backup. Another useful feature of Registry Backup is the ability to create automatic backups with the Windows Task Scheduler.
* Check this post if your receive an error importing registry settings, you can only import binary registry files