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Best free Laptop utilities

As you’ll see I put a great emphasis on security since this is an important factor when one works on a Laptop. Please feel free to send me a note in case some really useful and free tool is forgotten and should be included here. You may like also to see this guide on how to save power and extend the battery life of your laptop and tablet.

Gadgibility (from Gadgets and Visibility) is a light and free program you can use whenever you need to make all of your desktop gadgets disappear instantly. Especially if you work on a laptop sometimes you may be in need of a wider view of your desktop and disable your desktop gadgets temporarily. To activate desktop gadgets on Windows 10 you can use a little freeware called

Battery Check Gadget will follow the energy of your battery. It will place the image of a battery on your desktop, letting you know how close you are to the next re-charge of your battery. If you have a laptop, this may be a gadget you will enjoy a lot.

Taskbar Control will let you hide the taskbar as long as you need, easily, with a keyboard shortcut. By using the same shortcut once more you can show / unhide the taskbar again, whenever you want. Taskbar Control will let you enjoy more freedom in the easiest possible manner — a screen absolutely clean and shinning, without the flags, orbs and icons of Microsoft or anyone. You can use Nomousy, if you’d like also to hide the cursor of your mouse. Download and enjoy!

Sleeper will save your battery by letting you easily activate power save mode whenever you don’t need to use your laptop and you don’t want to close it either.

mHotSpot will let you convert your wifi enabled Laptop or PC into a virtual wifi hotspot and share your internet connection through wifi with other laptops, smartphones, PDA’s, Tablet-PCs, or any other wifi enabled device.

Hotspot Shield ensures your anonymity while you are on-line. It creates a virtual private network (VPN) between your computer or iPhone and its Internet gateway. The program is supported by ads.

ClearLock will cover the desktop with a transparent shield, providing a way to disable input to a computer while still allowing you to see what is going on. To forbid viewing your desktop, get the free Super Sleep.

AdminDeviceLan blocks devices on a computer network. Features: Block CD-ROM (DVD-ROM), FDD (Floppy disk), Flash drive, prohibit recording on a flash drive; Synchronize time and date for network computers; Reboot and switch off computers entering into a network; Batch job performance on several computers.

Touchpad Blocker automatically disables mouse buttons, forcing a very small delay, if some key has been pressed on the keyboard.Clicks are ignored just for a few moments, but that’s enough to prevent your cursor from involuntary jumping. You can set the length of delay in milliseconds, and there is a customizable keyboard shortcut to switch touchpad blocking on and off.

BatteryBar displays your laptop’s battery status in the taskbar.

Percentage is a small, portable (no need to install), free and efficient utility that will let you monitor your battery status right in the Windows taskbar.

LAlarm Laptop Alarm sounds an alarm when a laptop is in danger of being stolen or losing data, and it can recover and destroy data if the laptop is stolen. It alerts when a laptop goes outside a perimeter. It sounds an alarm when the owner leaves the computer unattended in an unsafe area for a period of time. And more.

LastPass combines an application you install and an online service hosting your passwords (encrypted) letting you use them from whatever location you happen to be. All you need is to remember or save locally a master password. Especially if you work on a Laptop you don’t want your browser to memorize passwords. You can use this program to memorize but also protect your passwords with a master password.

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