Case Transformer will be a great companion for any notes app you may like to use, since it will let you change text case easily. It transforms on the fly any text to UPPER CASE, lower case, Title Case, Sentence case, of even iNVERTED cASE!
Stickies is a really powerful, yet free, program that will let you create notes in several styles, using text and photos, even share them with other PCs.
StickyPad lets you place sticky notes on your desktop. You can type notes to set meeting and appointment reminders, keep track of a to-do list, and anything else you would do with paper notes. Your notes can be printed, pasted into other applications, or emailed to coworkers. You can make notes translucent and have them float above your other windows, so you can see both your note and what you are working on. When you log off, StickyPad remembers all of your notes, and when you log back on, your notes are still there. It’s an application that stands out compared with similar sticky notes tools. Notes created with StickyPad will not disappear, if you hide desktop icons.
Desktop Notes is a free gadget you can use to write something you need to remember, an idea or task, etc. This is not a complex gadget, on the contrary, it is extremely simple. It will let you select color for your notes (default is of course yellow).
Efficient Sticky Notes allows various background colors, with optional gradient effect. You can also customize the font of each note, and set it to be semi-transparent. To fully protect your privacy, the software encrypts the login password and also encrypts the data files. It features managing sticky notes by group, setting note importance, tracking the creation time and last modification time of notes, adding attachments to notes, delete to Recycle Bin, and more.
NoteIt will persist windows sessions, give you control of the look and feel, allow you to save and open notes, even special notes that provide updated information. It will also let you drag text to and from any application, email a note or just a selection of it, control the transparency of a note – let notes fade to the background. You can also store images inside a note – simply paste into the note, Create Special View notes to display information like computer memory, live clipboard logging, hard drive space. A Minimize option lets you shrink a note to icon size.
NoteFly will let you change color of notes, Make a note sticky on top or transparent, Create an e-mail of a note, Send a note to your Facebook wall, Tweet a note to your twitter account, even have Syntax highlighting for html content notes.
iQ-Notes will let you track notes on your computer and synchronize them with an FTP server, with special features like note tabs, ftp synchronization, time track, attach to documents. Unlimited notes can be created with up to 12 different tabs at each note. You can Archive, Print, Encrypt and Sort Notes, Synchronize notes with a server when using multiple computers, Time Track with Start/Stop Timer and time-sheet tracking. You can set an alarm on the note, attach notes to webpages, spreadsheets, applications, anything and have them automatically open. A Clipboard Manager remembers everything you placed on your Windows clipboard and easily creates a note from that.