Unlock or lock your DVD drive with Drive Locker

It happened today that an application locked my DVD drive. Selecting the “Eject” command at Windows Explorer, even pressing the drive button, would not work. I realized that the only way to eject the drive would be to reboot the PC. However, I tried first this small Drive Locker utility.

It’s a free application that locks and unlocks cd and dvd drives. It is useful not only in cases like mine, when some program locks the drive, but also when you need to protect your drives from children playing, etc.

The program starts as a small control panel with two panes, presenting a list with the CD and DVD drives at the left. Selecting a drive and putting it to the right pane will lock it.

In my case I first put the (already locked) drive to the right, as if it were unlocked, then I put it again to the left, and it was unlocked! No need to reboot the PC!