This is a free collection of the finest Christmas wallpapers, in a high quality resolution of 2560×1440 pixels. The collection comes in 2 packages, the large one including 82 and the small one including only 8 stylish desktop wallpapers, all of them being clean and free from the usual Santa Clauss kitsch. They are published on the occasion of 11 years from the founding of
Main themes of these Christmas Wallpapers are Christmas trees (real and painted), candles (again, real and painted), toys, snowmen, bells, gifts in packages and package decorations, angels, snow, stars, christmas tree balls, decorated winter windows, sweets, Living rooms with Christmas trees, presents and fireplace, cats… even the Vienna Boys Choir!
Note that several wallpaper rotators, including the Windows OS native applet, will adjust the dimensions on-the-fly, without changing permanently the size of the original pictures, in case you use a lower resolution. However if you are not on a monitor that supports the wide format, you may like to download the Ellopos 1024×768 pack.
Get also these desktop Christmas trees, and the Icon of the Christ, a gadget that will even let you open the New Testament on a random chapter for daily (or more frequent) reading and inspiration.