Convert popular eBook formats, even in batch mode, with Hamster eBook converter

Hamster eBook Converter is a free program that will let you convert all widely used e-book formats. It is also able to convert many eBook files at once in batch mode.

Features: Supports all popular e-readers, more than 200 devices * Converts all widely-used e-book formats * No advertising software, no spyware, no online registration! * Drag-N-Drop * Integrates with Windows * Supports 41 languages

Hamster eBook Converter creates eBooks that will run on Amazon Kindle, iPad, iPhone 3, iPhone 4, iPod, FR Book, iRiver, Sony, Digma, Nook, BenQ, Kobo, Explay,CrossElec, boeye, PAGEone, WexLer.

It can also convert to TXT, Adobe PDF, FB2, LIT, HTMLZ, PDB, LRF, PUB.