System tools Troubleshooter

Best free Windows tweakers and optimizers

Gadgetarian is efficient, light, free and safe, and is one of the most useful downloads on this page, since it lets you easily enable on Windows 10 those familiar Vista and Windows 7 Desktop Gadgets. The program does only this and nothing else. You won’t even need to restart your PC! After setup finishes, just right click on the desktop and you will find this well known “Gadgets” option. Gadgetarian does not add any new abilities to the Windows system, it just enables the native gadget functions, now unfortunately hidden. This way you can keep using all of your old desktop gadgets or add new ones, without compromising to any degree the integrity of the OS. After significant updates of the Windows OS, such as the Windows 10 Creators Update, you may need to re-enable your gadgets. Feel free to download again and re-install the Gagdetarian. You can bookmark its page to download a fresh copy whenever you need it!

Gadgibility will let you hide and show instantly all your desktop gadgets, using a keyboard shortcut, or a system tray icon.

Driver Booster and Driver Easy will find for you updated drivers for your hardware, even download and install them automatically.

Comodo System Utilities is a free suite that will help you make your computer faster, more efficient and more secure, optimize system performance, disk space and overall stability; you will also gain visibility and control over your computer’s hardware, software, processes and performance with diagnostics tools. Personally I’m very careful when it comes to registry cleaning (which I don’t recommend).

Advanced SystemCare will give you some more help in order for you to protect, clean, repair, and speed up your PC. Note, that free functions are mixed with prompts for purchasing more advanced utilities, other functions are locked and give similar prompts when you click them. Be also extremely cautious, and, as always, avoid using the registry repair utility.

GPU Monitor will let you watch live information in numbers and graphs about your video card, including temperature, fan load, gpu load, Vmem, etc. If you use more than one Graphic Adapters the gadget will let you select which one to monitor. GPU Monitor will play a sound (optionally) for overheat, will let you customize its appearance and functionality in many ways, decide what to monitor, or hide a module.

Battery Check will follow the energy of your battery. It will place the image of a battery on your desktop, letting you know how close you are to the next re-charge of your battery. If you have a laptop, this may be a gadget you will enjoy.

CPU Gadget will give you real time information on the usage of your CPU. The gadget supports multi core processors, and it presents system information in graphs and bars. It is simple, safe and useful.

Revo Uninstaller will help you uninstall unwanted programs from your computer, even if you have problems uninstalling them using the “Windows Add / Remove” applet. After a program’s regular uninstaller runs, you can remove additional unnecessary files, folders and registry keys that are usually left over on your computer. Even if you have a broken installation, Revo Uninstaller scans the hard disks and the Windows registry and shows all found files, folders and registry keys, letting you delete them.

MagicMove copies or moves instantly to a destination folder anything you select.

Taskbar Control lets you hide and show the Windows taskbar easily with a keyboard shortcut.

Taskbar Labels lets you instantly turn on or off the text beside the taskbar icons.

Fling is a free and powerful tool that will let you copy keywords or phrases from any application and search easily for information on them using your favorite search engines.

Speccy will give you detailed statistics on every piece of hardware, including CPU, Motherboard, RAM, Graphics Cards, Hard Disks, Optical Drives, Audio support – and temperatures. In case you need to change or check hardware Speccy can give you some help.

Windows Rule will let you easily shutdown, restart, log off using a context (right click) menu, or a keyboard shortcut, or Metro tiles.

Super Sleep adds a function that is missing from Windows although it is extremely useful. It will make sure your monitor stays asleep until you decide to wake it up. It is known that various applications or system settings, even wrong placement of usb ‘jumpers’ in the motherboard!, may force a monitor to exit power-save mode. So many times I left my monitor to sleep, only to find it turned on when I returned! Super Sleep ‘locks’ a monitor in power save mode — to wake up only when you press a certain hotkey, which you can customize. Even if you change track in your media player with your regular media key, your monitor remains asleep! — no need to worry that it may wake up by itself five minutes after you leave the room. Although this is not the purpose of the program, Super Sleep can also be used as a quick privacy protector, and an easy one, since you won’t even have to remember and write passwords… If you don’t need this powerful sleep mode, you can download Sleeper, a freeware that will put your monitor to power save mode with a hot key, but letting you wake it up as usually pressing any keyboard key or moving the mouse.

NumPad Transformer gives a different functionality to your NumPad, such as single key copy and paste, basic mouse control and windows navigation, immediate use of power options… Power Copy provides the single copy / paste and power functions, without changing the NumPad.

CCleaner is a free and surprisingly fast system optimization, privacy and cleaning tool. It removes unused files allowing Windows to run faster and freeing up valuable hard disk space. It also cleans traces of online activities such as Internet history. Additionally it contains a fully featured registry cleaner. I must that I use this cleaner quite often without any problems, although I usually don’t trust programs that try to clean or fix the registry.

Revitalizer lets you terminate and restart programs easily.

RegAlyzer will help you browse and edit the registry, adding useful features missing from Microsoft Regedit. It is a tool you are going to need if you like optimizing your system. It features browsing search results while the search is still running, export to a reg file, wildcard and boolean search, Jumps (using a command line parameter or pasting the address into the address field), and more. Bookmark management is simple. To jump to a bookmarked registry key, select it from the Bookmarks menu. If you want to add a specific key to your bookmarks, right-click on it in the main windows treeview that displays the registry structure, and select Add to bookmarks.

Wise Registry Cleaner cleans junk left by program installations, etc. It scans the Registry, flagging orphaned or bad Registry entries, and shows you the name and values for each. It identifies Registry entries that may be dangerous to delete, and those that are safe to delete, so you can distinguish between the two. It also lets you decide which entries to delete, and which to keep. Perhaps you’d better leave some orphaned entries, than have your registry damaged. In the course of time I came to believe that registry cleaners are more likely to cause serious registry problems, than fix them.

Fresh Diagnose will analyze and benchmark your PC. It can analyze and benchmark many kinds of hardware, such as CPU performance, hard disk performance, video system information, mainboard / motherboard information, and more. Please also note that benchmarking requires (free) registration.

HWiNFO too will give you hardware information and diagnostic tools supporting latest components, industry technologies and standards. It is designed to collect and present the maximum amount of information possible about a computer’s hardware. It includes basic benchmarks. This is the tool I use most often to get information on my PC.

CrystalDiskInfo monitors the health and temperature of your hard disks.

WinPatrol monitors important system areas that are commonly altered by many malicious programs. It will also let you change delay the execution of a program that defined to run upon startup.

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