Get detailed PC system information with Fresh Diagnose

Fresh Diagnose is a free utility that will let you analyze and benchmark your PC. It can analyze and benchmark many kinds of hardware, such as CPU performance, hard disk performance, video system information, motherboard information, and much more…

Features: System Information: Scanning your system and giving a complete report about your computer’s hardware and software, for example: mainboard information, video system information, PCI / AGP buses information, peripheral (keyboard, mouse, printer, etc.) information, Windows registry settings, and network information. System Benchmarks: Testing your system performance, such as CPU, hard disk, CD/DVD ROM, and comparing it with other systems.

The web page pops-up some annoying messages when you are closing it, but they are harmless. Please also note that benchmarking requires (free) registration.

* Check also these free Sidebar Gadgets: GPU MonitorBattery Check, and All CPU Meter.