You may find suddenly that your browsers display web pages with problems, (some or all) italic fonts having turned bold, or all fonts being bold, etc.
Most probably, even by using your convenient font manager, you deleted some fonts that Windows needs in order to work properly. It is also possible that registry settings are altered, but this is less common.
First open your Windows Control Panel, go to Fonts > Font Settings and press the “Restore default font settings” button.
If the problem persists, you have to install again the standard Windows fonts. You can find on line and download Windows 7 original fonts.
Make sure you locate a trustworthy package (it should be about 150 mb), download it and copy all fonts to the Windows Fonts folder. You won’t even need to restart Windows, everything should work now.
Note that the Windows 7 font package will help you also if you are on Windows 8.