Best free program to create XML (Google) site maps for web sites
I tried five programs that claim to create xml maps Google can use to index a web site. Here is the list of what I tried:
GSiteCrawler (by SoftPlus), SiteMap Generator (by WonderWebWare), SiteMapX (by Aliket Software), XSiteMapC (by FNOWare), GWebCrawler (by TryToBreak)
I won’t offer here links to these programs or any other information, except that none of them is satisfactory, not one! Some have limitations on how many pages they index, others just don’t work. Trust me, you can safely ignore all of them.
Finally, the best program able to do the map job, indexing unlimited pages, being easy to use, at least if one has an elementary familiarity with managing a web site, is the XML SiteMap Generator — and it is not a program, but an on line service. XML SiteMap Generator was a nice page that would let you exclude addresses and extensions from your site map, even remove session ids, define levels of indexing, but now the site is gone.
If you find an installable free program, easy to use, reliable and without limitations, enjoy it and let me also know and write about it. But, if your site is based on WordPress, you have a lot of choices, such as XML SiteMap Generator.