Keep the Timetable of your school, with FET
Free Timetabling Software (FET) is a free and open source application you can use to prepare the timetable of a school, high-school or university.
Features: automatic generation algorithm, allowing also semi-automatic or manual allocation * Flexible modular XML format for the input file, allowing editing with an XML editor or by hand (besides FET interface);
Import/export from CSV format * Timetables can be exported into HTML, XML and CSV formats * Flexible students (pupils) structure, organized into sets: years, groups and subgroups. FET allows overlapping years and groups and non-overlapping subgroups. You can define individual students (as separate sets).
Multi-Language support — Localized to en_GB (English), ar (Arabic), ca (Catalan), da (Danish), de (German), el (Greek), es (Spanish), fa (Persian), fr (French), hu (Hungarian), id (Indonesian), it (Italian), lt (Lithuanian), mk (Fyrom), ms (Malay), nl (Dutch), pl (Polish), pt_BR (Brazilian Portuguese), ro (Romanian), ru (Russian), si (Sinhala), tr (Turkish) and uk (Ukrainian) (incompletely for some languages)