When you perform a search in Word, and there exist many occurrences of your keyword(s), you don’t need to find them using all the time the main Find Dialogue. You can jump to the next occurrence immediately by pressing Shift+F4, or Ctrl+Alt+y. Yet these shortcuts are not very convenient, especially if you are used to different ones by working with other text processors.
You can change the “Find Again” Word shortcut to, e.g. just F3, if you go to the Word Options -> Customize the Ribbon -> Keyboard Shortcuts. Locate the “All Commands” option at the left and then the RepeatFind command at the right, to which you can assign whatever shortcut you want.
Check also Super Find, a macro that will let you enjoy automatic placement of searched and found terms near the middle of Word’s window. Assign a keyboard shortcut to use the macro effectively. I use F3, which is the default key for RepeatFind; for the latter I use Alt+F3.
* Check more of these Word productivity macros. Enjoy!