Download LAME MP3 Encoder Binaries (Exe and DLL) for Windows

Lame is a popular, reliable, free and open source MP3 encoder that features great sound quality, easy of use and multiple functions, including support for VBR conversions.

Being open source Lame was developed (and is even now being developed, although improvements now can be considered rather minor) by various teams.

Several audio converters of all platforms use Lame to perform their MP3 conversions.

If you downloaded an audio converter or any other application, such as MusicBee, that needs Lame to work on MP3s, you are welcome to download Lame and enjoy! In this download an older DLL version is also included, just in case that the newer one won’t work for you (it won’t work with the older, free, version of XRecode, for instance).

Download Lame EXE and DLL binaries