Defragment specific files or folders, even from a command line, using Defraggler or Contig

Most defragmentation tools only let you defragment the whole drive. Defraggler gives you the power to select individual files and folders to defrag – or the whole drive if you want to.

Defraggler analyzes the disk surprisingly fast and lists all the fragmented files on a drive. Selecting one or many will highlight their location on the disk.

You can use Defraggler to optimize the Windows and Program Files directories, or a folder containing files you are going to burn, audio files, movies, pictures, whatever, ensuring a safer CD / DVD recording.

If you prefer a command-line tool to defragment specific files or folders, you can download Contig. Contig can be used to defrag an existing file, or to create a new file of a specified size and name, optimizing its placement on disk. It uses standard Windows defragmentation APIs so that it won’t cause disk corruption, even if you terminate it while its running.