Backup WP databases, even a plugin list, with BackWPup

If you are serious about your work you need a backup plugin to save at least your database. BackWPup can save a complete WordPress installation including wp-content and push the backup to a service like Dropbox, S3, FTP and many more, including of course a backup folder in the site itself. The free version does not support import / restore functions, however there are other free plugins that can use its backup file to restore your database, such as Adminer.

BackWPup can also generate a list with installed plugins. It saves this list as a simple text (txt) file you can use with Multi Plugin Installer or other plugin management systems to bulk install your plugins whenever you need that, e.g., if you transfer your blog to a new server.

BackWPup will also check, repair and optimize your database, backup files, such as your themes and plugins, backup in zip, tar, tar.gz, tar.bz2 format (needs gz, bz2, ZipArchive. Backup locations include a site directory, FTP, Dropbox (needs curl), S3 services (needs curl), Microsoft Azure (Blob) (needs PHP 5.3.2, curl), RackSpaceCloud (needs PHP 5.3.2, curl), SugarSync (needs curl), Amazon Glacier (needs PHP 5.3.3, curl), Google Drive (needs PHP 5.3.3, curl).

If you worry about the success of backup jobs, the plugin can send you email whenever a job finishes with errors or not. It can send by email even the backup itself. Multisite installations are supported only for the network admin.