
See easily EXIF information from JPEG photos, with EXIF Viewer

EXIF ​​Viewer is a free, safe and portable program that displays JPEG EXIF ​​information. You can open a JPEG file via drag & drop or “File” > “Open …” Digital cameras store a lot of image and camera information that can be useful when you manage a photo collection or edit photos. This data is […]

Graphics Web editing

Make GIF animations with 20 effects, using Beneton Movie GIF

Beneton Movie GIF is a free tool you can use to create or edit animated GIF files. Beneton Movie GIF is created to make your life difficult. Even importing some images to start working on your animation is a tedious task. It’s a shame, because the program provides a lot of nice features. On the […]

File tools Graphics

Optimize PNG graphics even converting JPG, GIF and more, with PNGGauntlet

PNGGauntlet will allow you to optimize (reduce the size of) PNG files. It squeezes the last bit of size out of them. Most important is that no information is lost during this process. Select the files you want to optimize (or drag and drop them to the program’s window), select where you want them to go (or overwrite the source), […]


Batch remove metadata from JPGs and protect your privacy, with BatchPurifier LITE

BatchPurifier LITE is a free program that will remove metadata from JPEG files in batch. It is the free edition of a commercial program called BatchPurifier, able to remove metadata from more file types than just jpegs. BatchPurifier LITE will thoroughly remove JPEG metadata such as EXIF (including thumbnail), Photoshop image resources (including IPTC), XMP, […]

File tools Graphics

Convert Apple HEIC images to PNG or JPG, or even to PDF documents, with HEIC File Converter

HEIC is not an image format you are going to find frequently, but if you do, you may not be able to open it! HEIC is an Apple image format, and HEIC File Converter a free utility able to open HEIC images and save them as JPG, PNG or PDF. HEIC File Converter is a […]

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