Troubleshooter Web editing

Simple regular expression to replace blank lines in Notepad Plus Plus

To find blank lines in a document and replace them with html code, you can use Notepad Plus Plus and regular expressions. Open the Find and Replace dialogue, check the Regular Expression option and in the “Find” textbox write: ^\h*\R Then in the “Replace” textbox write: <p>&nbsp;</p>, to add a full paragraph, or <br> to […]

Education File tools Graphics Video Web editing

Create self executing slide shows, GIF animations or photo movies, with A Pic View ExeSlide

In case you’d like to share some photos having the control of their presentation, you can use this nice freeware to create self executing slide shows, or share your pictures in the form of GIF animations, AVI or Flash movies, even screen savers! Of course you can also use Alternate Pic View ExeSlide to create […]

Web editing

Edit web page code and convert text to HTML with Collie

Collie HTML is a free and easy to use HTML editor combining a pleasant clean editing workspace, supporting click-and-insert HTML tags. The tags are available under organized tabs that include Format (text, etc.), Lists, Links, Graphics (images), Tables, Frames, Forms, Meta tags, and Scripts. Collie HTML includes several wizards and supports projects. It includes also […]

Graphics Web editing

Retouch your images and create web photo galleries easily, with MobaPhoto

MobaPhoto is a free and portable app that will let you make basic photo galleries for the web and retouch your photos. The program provides standard functions, such as resize, crop or red-eyes fix, even in batch mode. Photo galleries created by MobaPhoto are compatible with all browsers. A very useful feature is that you […]

Web editing

CDO UTF-8, fixing eMail problems from ASP Unicode forms

Receiving Unicode UTF-8 email messages with all those international characters and accents seems impossible, and some solutions that are usually proposed, such as having the body part defined as “utf-8″ are worthless. You’ll never see your forms work, unless you define the UTF-8 encoding not in the page that actually sends the email, but to the page where the […]

Graphics Web editing

Create photo galleries even automatically enhanced with EXIF info, using Porta

Porta is a free program that will let you create photo albums, turning a folder with images into an elegant web gallery. Porta is fast and is convenient, and the same is true for the web albums it creates. They all look nice in any browser and they open fast. The program creates albums in […]

Accessories Office Web editing

Auto complete phrases in any program, with Phrase Express

Phrase Express is a free (for non-commercial use) portable application that will help you organize frequently used text snippets. You can try commercial features which are disabled after 30 days if you choose to continue using the free version of the program. The program lets you expand abbreviations and common phrases as you type. Text […]

Graphics Web editing

Slice your images even in batch mode and make HTML pages with pieces joined, using TileMage Image Splitter

TileMage Image Splitter is a free and easy to use program that lets you slice an image automatically by defining a number of pieces (rows and columns). The program can also create an html file with the pieces tiled to let them appear as a single intact image. TileMage Image Splitter can process multiple image […]

Graphics Web editing

Create High Res panoramas with exposure blending, using MS Image Composite Editor

Microsoft Image Composite Editor is an advanced panoramic image stitcher. You shoot a set of overlapping photographs of a scene from a single location, and Image Composite Editor creates a high-resolution panorama incorporating all your images at full resolution. Then save your stitched panorama in a wide variety of formats. Features: State-of-the-art stitching algorithms; Advanced […]

Web editing

Create RSS feeds even with enclosures and publish them, using RSS Builder

If your web site is not driven by a database or for any reason you can not have an automatically created RSS Feed, you can try RSS Builder. This will allow you to create manually RSS news feeds and podcasts. It provides a simple enough interface that lets you add topics, links, content, and enclosures. You can […]

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