Gain, Resistor, DC Offset, Noise, Electronics Calculators
I Know What Gain I Want. What Resistor Values Do I Need? This calculator will help you pick a pair of gain resistors that give a desired gain value, within a certain percent tolerance. If you ask for a gain of 5 and a 1% tolerance, you will get resistor values that give a gain between 4.95 and 5.05. The looser the tolerance, the more answers you will get, and the slower the calculator will run.
I Know What the Resistor Values Are. What’s the Gain? This calculator takes an existing set of resistor values and calculates the gain. It can do this for either a standard noninverting op-amp gain stage (e. g. a CMoy pocket amp) or a Jung multiloop gain stage, as in the schematics at right.
What Will the Output DC Offset Be? This calculator estimates the output DC offset of a simple noninverting op-amp gain stage, like the one at right.
What Will the Noise Be? This calculator estimates the output noise of a simple noninverting op-amp gain stage. It assumes a typical audio application: bandwidth is 20 Hz to 20 kHz, and a full-scale signal is 1 Vrms. The calculator only considers Johnson noise from the resistors surrounding the op-amp, and the inherent voltage and current noise specs of the op-amp itself. If you leave out the op-amp datasheet specs, the calculator uses an ideal, noiseless op-amp. You can also leave out R2 and the pot values, if you will not use these parts.
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