Divide MP3 playlists to fit recording media and copy the actual files automatically, with M3Util

So you have this great 5 hours playlist and you need to burn it into CD-ROMs; how are you going to divide the tracks into 5 or 4 equal parts?

M3Util was written to facilitate carving up large Winamp playlist files (.M3U) into a number of smaller .M3U files. This will allow you to stuff large playlists on multiple mini-discs for your portable minidisc player, or for burning to regular audio discs (CDR or CDRW).

M3Util will also let you carve the files up into groups that could be easily burned to multiple data CDRs or CDRWs. As such, M3Util will carve up playlists based on playing time or file size.

The creation of multiple playlists is based on the currently loaded large playlist and the size of the destination media or just time values. Besides the creation of smaller playlists, M3Util can also copy the actual files to a directory you’ll specify. There are more features…