
If your PC suddenly became slow, read these tips for giving it some speed

1) Avoid installing new software, unless you are sure that you need it; in any case, always try carefully to estimate if an application is reliable before you install it. 2) Uninstall programs and games that you don’t use (no mercy!) 3) Deactivate programs that you don’t really need to run automatically each time you start Windows. Deactivate auto […]

File tools System tools Troubleshooter

Uninstall unwanted programs completely and clean your PC, with Revo Uninstaller

Revo Uninstaller is a free application that will help you uninstall unwanted programs. It is faster and more powerful than the native Windows applet, in my opinion a necessary tool. Revo Uninstaller analyzes the data of a program before you uninstall it, and scans after you uninstall it in order to find elements left behind […]

File tools

Create setup packages easily, guided by a wizard, with InstallSimple

InstallSimple, as its name says, makes it simple to create installation packages. The user follows a wizard and selects actions without having to do any manual configuration, except when it is about the registry. Features: Support for a single self-extracting executable file for easy distribution; automatically creates shortcuts, an uninstaller, updates registry entries, shows license […]

File tools

Create easily powerful setup packages without programming, using Bytessence Install Maker

Bytessence InstallMaker is a free and convenient setup creator, the easiest that I know of. The program is pleasant, easy to use and multilingual (all the components, the installers and uninstallers). It supports smart and easy project management with straight-forward function tabs, without requiring scripting abilities. Features: Can use path variables for easy access to […]

System tools

Uninstall a program as fast as possible, even by right clicking it, with Menu Uninstaller Pro

I must admit that when I uninstall a program, I spend a lot of time (couldn’t be spending more) since I use Revo Uninstaller to detect probable remains after a program’s official uninstaller finishes. If you want to get rid of some programs fast, not caring for meticulous detections and super clean methods, you must […]

System tools

Uninstall unwanted applications completely and safely, with Comodo Programs Manager

The monitoring functionality of Comodo Programs Manager keeps track of the sometimes intricate and obscure changes that are made during the installation and usage of a program. CPM also creates a backup of the files, folders, data and registry entries when a program is uninstalled – allowing you to easily restore any program you uninstalled by mistake.

System tools

Batch uninstall programs and remove leftovers, with IObit Uninstaller

IObit Uninstaller is a portable application that will help you remove unwanted programs and folders from your computer fast and easily. It is able to perform batch removals (select several programs to uninstall at once), and it offers a “Powerful Scan” option, to let you go deeper, scan the Windows registry and hard drive for […]


Remove unwanted programs even in batch mode, with Absolute Uninstaller

Absolute Uninstaller is a free program very similar to the standard Windows Add / Remove applet but more powerful. The standard Add/Remove program can’t uninstall applications completely, often leaving broken registry keys and unnecessary files on the hard disk. Absolute Uninstaller can wipe off all the junk files. Revo is slower but more powerful than […]

System tools

Uninstall several programs at once, with PC Decrapifier

PC Decrapifier is a free (for personal use) utility that will uninstall several programs at once. You still need to be there, pressing “OK” buttons and removing false anti-virus alerts, but you will not have to suffer the default Windows applet for removing programs. In PC Decrapifier you first select all the programs you need […]

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