Simultaneously close some programs and open others with a keyboard shortcut or a single click
Whenever I needed to use MS Office, I had to close some other program, which meant moving the mouse to the...
Downloading the Best Freeware / Tips and Guides
Whenever I needed to use MS Office, I had to close some other program, which meant moving the mouse to the...
Express Menu lets you have a second menu, besides Windows Start menu, that is quick and easy to display and navigate....
To open Word with a specific document you must use a shortcut to that document and not the general Word shortcut....
To open a folder in Explorer view, without changing the global configuration, create a new shortcut targeting to c:\windows\explorer.exe /n,/e,d:\...
Karen’s Show Stopper is a free utility that will let you create easily shortcut icons to quickly Shutdown, Power Off,...
One of Microsoft’s mistakes is the keyboard hotkey we are obliged to use whenever we need to paste a file...
You may know that pressing the Windows key along with a number will open a program you have pinned on...
You might have been searching for a specific folder using the search mechanism included in Windows Explorer, and when you...