Comodo Free Firewall, AntiSpam, SecureEmail, Backup, Registry Cleaner, AntiVirus
Perhaps you are familiar with Comodo Firewall, but there are more free and reliable tools available from the same company....
Downloading the Best Freeware / Tips and Guides
Perhaps you are familiar with Comodo Firewall, but there are more free and reliable tools available from the same company....
A firewall controls the door to your computer and allows only traffic you understand and initiate. PrivateFirewall is small, simple,...
One of the best free firewalls available, Comodo Firewall includes a message center, that from time to time pops up...
The monitoring functionality of Comodo Programs Manager keeps track of the sometimes intricate and obscure changes that are made during the installation and usage of a program. CPM also creates a backup of the files, folders, data and registry entries when a program is uninstalled – allowing you to easily restore any program you uninstalled by mistake.
Comodo Free AntiVirus eliminates known Viruses, Worms and Trojans from desktops and networks with no license fees or hidden costs....