You may have activated HTML as the language of the file you opened in Notepad++, you may even have saved your file with an html extension, only to discover that the editor refuses to use all those convenient HTML colors that would let you easily locate the code sections and lines in your document. You […]
Tag: Notepad Plus Plus
If you have recorded some macros with Notepad Plus Plus it’s certain you wouldn’t like to lose them! Unfortunately N++ won’t provide an export / import mechanism, but you can overcome this problem easily. N++ saves your macros in a file called shortcuts.xml, which is located at \Users\YourAccountName\AppData\Roaming\Notepad++ Just copy this file and save it […]
Normally there are two easy and efficient ways of associating some file types with a program. You can do it in Windows Settings, or right click a file to open it with a program, simultaneously checking the option for this type to always open by this specific program. However, if you try to use any […]
You may work with Notepad Plus Plus using most of the time a particular document, even if it is about a file you need for temporary editing work, something like a scratch pad. Having a default document lets you start working immediately without the need to care about giving your file a name and selecting […]
To find blank lines in a document and replace them with html code, you can use Notepad Plus Plus and regular expressions. Open the Find and Replace dialogue, check the Regular Expression option and in the “Find” textbox write: ^\h*\R Then in the “Replace” textbox write: <p> </p>, to add a full paragraph, or <br> to […]
If you try to find in Notepad Plus Plus a command like that available in NoteTab, to add something to the start or the end of the lines of your text, you search in vain. Perhaps some plugin is dedicated to such jobs, but you don’t have to use one even if it exists. You […]
Notepad++ uses the same font size to display and print, which is not convenient, because in most cases we need a larger font to read on screen and a smaller one to print. Unfortunately Notepad++ won’t allow this! A most easy solution would be to select a font that prints well, then use the Notepad’s […]