If Notepad Plus Plus refuses to show HTML or any code markup colors
You may have activated HTML as the language of the file you opened in Notepad++, you may even have saved...
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You may have activated HTML as the language of the file you opened in Notepad++, you may even have saved...
If you have recorded some macros with Notepad Plus Plus it’s certain you wouldn’t like to lose them! Unfortunately N++...
Normally there are two easy and efficient ways of associating some file types with a program. You can do it...
You may work with Notepad Plus Plus using most of the time a particular document, even if it is about...
To find blank lines in a document and replace them with html code, you can use Notepad Plus Plus and...
If you try to find in Notepad Plus Plus a command like that available in NoteTab, to add something to...
Notepad++ uses the same font size to display and print, which is not convenient, because in most cases we need...