Education Music

Write down and study your solos with Impro-Visor Jazz Improvisation Advisor

Impro-Visor (“Improvisation Advisor”) aims at supporting jazz composers in writing down music that is similar to what they make by improvising. The program’s purpose is to let musicians develop a sense of the structure of their improvisations. The program features composition through point-and-click or with a plain text editor, showing dissonants, a ‘roadmap’ editor, chord […]

Education Music

Learn music theory on line or with downloadable lessons

During his senior year of high school Ricci Adams already started thinking about a web site dedicated in learning music theory. He soon wrote the first pages of that project, featuring the Staff, Clefs, and Ledger Lines. The Interval Ear Trainer followed and his full web site was ready along with the start of year […]

Education Music

Practice your reading a musical score with Note Attack game

Note Attack is a well designed and inspired educational game that will let you practice your knowledge of reading a musical score. Hit the Start button, select which note is racing across the screen (using the note letter A – G) before it gets to the left edge. When you’re done playing, select the stop […]


Identify musical notes with Perfect Pitch Trainer

Perfect Pitch Trainer is a free utility to help you train yourself in recognising musical notes. The program plays a note and asks you to identify it. It’s made up like a game with 25 turns and a maximum score of 25. With a little practice, you should be able to recognize an “F Sharp” […]

Education Music

Learn and practice musical notes, with Happy Note games

Happy Note games is a collection of free games that will help you learn the musical notes. In the “Notes in Space” game, the duration indicated by a spaceship (whole, half, quarter) must match the duration of the note you’re shooting at. When you hit a whole note, it splits into 2 half notes; when […]

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