
Display the currently active language on the desktop

In case that you use two or more languages you may like to identify easily the active one, avoid trying to locate the indicator to know what language is active. Windows shows (two letters of) the active language in the taskbar, which may prove difficult to locate and read when you need it. To solve […]

Languages and Fonts

Show languages as flags at the taskbar system tray

In case that you use more than one language in Windows, you may find it easier to use flags instead of the usual Windows way of displaying languages as initials. To display languages as flags at the system tray, download this light and free language indicator. You won’t need to install it, just extract the […]


If your language bar disappeared from the Windows taskbar

It may happen sometimes, after you update Windows, install or uninstall programs, the language bar disappears, so that even though you can change languages as before, you don’t see the language abbreviation that lets you monitor what language is currently active. If you still are able to use two or more languages on your PC, your […]


How to remove this help icon from the Windows language bar

Especially if you prefer to hide the Windows taskbar, e.g. if you use Taskbar Control, in order to free more space for your desktop, you may still need to see what language is active on various applications, and you may have dragged the language bar off the taskbar to let it float on the desktop. […]


Have you lost your Language Bar? Get it back!

After installing and uninstalling many programs and services, you might find your computer without a language bar! The Language Bar is needed when you use more than one language, and is enabled in Control Panel’s Regional and Language Options. If in the past you have enabled and used the language bar, but now it is […]


If you can not resize the Windows Taskbar

Normally you can drag the upper part / line of the Windows taskbar and increase or decrease the height. However, some times this can be impossible, i.e., the taskbar remains as it is, it won’t let you change its height. This may happen when you have it locked (right click on any empty space of […]

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