
TheFreeWindows AWARDS


If a program is rated by TheFreeWindows with 4 Stars or more, it may be featured on your page along with TheFreeWindows Excellence Award.

The Excellence Award image should link to the home page of TheFreeWindows or to the page where the software is reviewed.

This use is not obligatory, but it will make a better sense to your visitors, letting them know who gave this award and what is said in the review about the product.


TheFreeWindows AWARD

Even if a program did not receive 4 stars or more, still it was presented by TheFreeWindows, a site that does not mention every single freeware available, but only select programs.

Just by its inclusion in the pages of TheFreeWindows, a program is distinguished; you may feature this by using the logo of TheFreeWindows.

Again, TheFreeWindows logo should link to the home page of TheFreeWindows or to the page where the software is reviewed, which is not obligatory, but it will make a better sense to your visitors.

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