
Open groups of programs and documents in several profiles, with Kana Launcher

Kana Launcher is a free program you can use to launch frequently used programs and documents. Kana launcher is able to use drag and drop, right click menu or Windows Explorer to manage the icons and menus. It recognizes any file type; you can put a shortcut, documents, or other files into Kana Launcher’s data […]

Accessories System tools

Open favorite folders with Folder Guide

If you insist on using WinXP, Folder Guide will give you fast access to frequently used and favorite folders. After quick install it will appear in context menus of Windows Explorer and Open/Save dialogs as “Folder Guide” item. Select from right click menu “Folder Guide” then click on your desired folder. An easier way that […]


Access easily Programs, Folders, Settings, Web Sites, with Favorite Launcher

I have tried a lot of launchers, using some of them even for months, to abandon them all for Favorite Launcher. Favorite Launcher is superb in three ways: speed, simplicity and power. Speed doesn’t need lengthy descriptions: you press the shortcut (or click the tray icon) and the Launcher appears instantly. Simplicity: Favorite Launcher won’t […]


Organize your shortcuts with FSL Launcher

FSL Launcher is a free utility that will help you το organize your shortcuts for applications, documents, url links, folders path and more… It features categories organization (multi-tab launcher) with fast selection menu. Multi-Desktop and Dual-Monitor support, Backup and Restore for groups, shortcuts and program settings (to/from Zip file). Separated shortcuts database for each Windows […]

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