Education Music

Learn finger positions for over 40000 guitar basic and advanced chords, with Guitar Chords

Guitar Chords gives all the basic and advanced chords, helping you learn how to place your hands to play them. It is an easy and efficient program, coming with all the instructions you are going to need. The actual sounding of the chords would be a nice addition I guess. Features: Over 40000 basic and advanced chords; […]

Education Music

Learn or compose guitar and bass tablatures with Power Tab Editor

Power Tab Editor is a free tablature authoring tool. You can use it to create guitar sheet music, more commonly known to musicians as guitar tablature and bass tablature. (aka guitar tab/bass tab). The program provides the most commonly used symbols in tablature, including chord names, chord diagrams, rhythm slashes, bends, slides, hammer-ons/pull-offs, harmonics and […]

Education Music

Learn the theory of music with interactive exercises and games, by Listening-Music Teacher

Listening-Music Teacher is a free interactive program that will help to learn music theory, even recognize easily the notes one by one in complex harmonies. It makes use even of games, to teach you the scales, chords, etc. Note that QuickTime has to be installed in your PC, otherwise the program won’t work, and your […]

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