If you are the author of a program and you’d like to link to the page where your program is featured, you can make a simple html link, or use one of the Award banners of TheFreeWindows. Save the banner and upload it to your server, then use it to make a link to the page where TheFreeWindows presents your program.
If you are not the author of a program, but you have a website or blog related with software and you’d like to link to TheFreeWindows, you can make a simple link using the address https://www.thefreewindows.com and this description: “TheFreeWindows – Select Windows Freeware”.
Here is the code of a simple link:
<a href="https://www.thefreewindows.com/" target="_top"> TheFreeWindows - Select Windows Freeware</a>
Instead of the Home address of TheFreeWindows, you can also use the address of an internal page or post or department.
Note also that using the social icons provided on each page you won’t only be able to submit a page to Facebook and other social networks, but also to get html links ready to be copied and pasted wherever you’d like to put a link.