With V-Grep (Visual GREP) you can specify expressions representing complex patterns that are difficult or impossible to find using only masks, such as: e-mail addresses, telephone numbers, IP addresses etc. V-Grep allows you also to search for files even without any knowledge about regular expressions. Especially if you use to perform demanding searches you may V-Grep’s […]
Tag: search within files
Pressing F3 in Windows Explorer will let you filter a folder excluding files the names of which won’t conform with your keyword. However some times, when you are in folders containing simple text documents (txt, html, asp, php, xml, etc) you may like to filter the contents of such folders not only or even not […]
AstroGrep is a free utility that will let you search within files for keywords. The program supports regular expressions, versatile printing options, stores most recently used paths. A Microsoft Word plugin will handle .docx files. Features of AstroGrep: Regular expressions * Concurrent multiple file types * Recursive directory searching * A “context” feature that selects […]