TheFreeWindows Ideal Body Weight Calculator is a free service, that will estimate your ideal body weight and also the adjusted body weight according to your weight, height and gender, that is how much you should weigh if your height and your gender is whatever it is. Just fill in the form fields and press the "Calculate" button.
Formula used for the ideal body weight (IBW) — Males: Ideal = 50 kg + 2.1 kg for each inch (2.54 cm) over 5 feet (152.4 cm). Females: Ideal = 45.5 kg + 2.1 kg for each inch over 5 feet (it only applies to persons 152 cm or taller). If the actual body weight is 30% greater than the Ideal Body Weight, take into account the adjusted body weight (ABW). You may also like to check this chart showing normal weights according to height, gender and body frame, the BMI Calculator, and the Losing Weight pages.
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