Open registry keys easily, even from links to them or using command line options, with Registry Jumper

Registry Jumper is a small freeware that allows an easier system registry navigation. With Registry Jumper you can open desired registry keys in Windows Regedit by a single click. It works in GUI mode and command-line mode (opens the registry key as supplied by a command-line parameter).

Additionally, Registry Jumper handles the “regjump://” custom protocol, which, for example, can be used in links in HTML pages to point to specific registry locations.

Favorites is an option that allows you to access the most important registry keys immediately. You can organize, export to HTML your registry favorites. Supports both full and short root registry key names (e.g. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE and HKLM)

Trailing and leading spaces, brackets, quotes, double slashes are trimmed, so registry paths like [‘HKLM\\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run’] are not a problem. All recently opened registry keys are saved.